Saturday, July 18, 2009

whoops, there goes gravity

just got home from my first excursion of the summer, Guatemala. it was incredible- every time i go, i rediscover something about myself that gets lost in the suburban day-to-day life. when i go to Parramos, i am reminded of why i am here and what is truly important in life. i feel refreshed, rejuvenated, and radiant. alive.

and i love this side of myself. it's a fresher, realer side of myself. i love the side that isn't jaded and the one that still marvels at things like the sound of rain on a tin roof, or a national geographic from the fifties. the one who says "good morning" (buenos dias? haha) to every person she passes on the street, the one who laughs openly at herself and with others, not at them. i love the lack of structure i have, while still retaining the morals instilled in me. i love playing, i love working, and i love that i can mix the two in this world i've created down there. it is such a blessing to be able to interact with such caring and beautiful people. they are so pure and so naturally kind, despite the odds against them. i love the people who come on the trip with me, who are so funny in their own ways, and equally as wonderful.

i love riding in the back of a pickup truck with my hair blowing behind me
i love staring out of an airplane window for 5 hours, contemplating.
i love being challenged, and i love coming out of a challenge successful.
i love guatemala

this trip was amazing.

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